Sex Therapy

Most of us long for a relationship of relatedness, flexibility, playfulness and sensitivity, particularly within our sexual experiences. As a qualified sex therapist, I can help you crystallize and attain your vision of yourself and your relationship. After 20 years treating clients immersed in extreme behaviors of sexuality, i.e., excessive use of pornography, sex industry workers (prostitutes) while keeping it all secret from their spouse or partner, I expanded my formal training in sex therapy to become an AASECT certified Sex Therapist to round out my experience and understanding about sex and how best to help you attain what you are seeking.

Areas of Expertise in Sex Therapy

01 Desire Discrepancy

This happens to be the number one reason why couples seek couples therapy. One wants sex more often than the other. I will carefully and thoroughly assess what, when and how this is (not) happening, and work to bring the couple to a place of satisfaction around expectations, frequency and quality of their experience. 

02 Sexual Anorexia

Sexual Anorexia or Hypoactive Sexual Desire is where a person, compulsively stays away from having sex with their partner, shuts down any type of erotic touch, is even unavailable to discuss the topic with their partner. Is "too busy" or "too tired" consistently, and basically is holding their partner hostage sexually. Expects monogamy, yet has contributed to a stonewalling of the coupleship's sex life.

03 Premature Ejaculation

Can be defined as a man who does not have voluntary, conscious control, or the ability to choose in most encounters, when to ejaculate. There are many types of PE, and we will identify what type you have. Also, know that this is a common challenge and yet there is a plan to overcome PE and change your response.

04 Vaginismus

This is a condition in which involuntary muscle spasm prevents vaginal penetration. This often results with pain with attempts at sex. The underlying cause is fear that penetration will hurt. Through history taking and ruling out any physical reason why this is happening, we will work toward a solution of having pain free, enjoyable intercourse with a partner.

05 Kink, BDSM, Fetishes

No longer something to be shameful of, but more on a continuum of self expression, novelty, and sizzle, these behaviors can have a noble and rightful place within your life. It takes trust and courage in communicating what you prefer with your partners and I will help you explore your wild side with transparency, humor and creativity.

06 Polyamory

This is a catch all term that covers a large range of lifestyle love and romance choices. It literally means multiple loves. These relationships may or may not have a sexual component. Whether an intimate network, a primary, secondary or tertiary relationship, I can help you navigate your NRE (new relationship energy) while still enjoying your LTR ( long-term relationship) as well as your LDR ( long distance relationship). My goal as your therapist, is to help you feel comfortable within the lifestyle you've chosen.


My practice is inclusive and accepting of your lifestyle; I appreciate the courage it takes to live the life of your dreams and will
help you explore and celebrate your wild side!
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