Couples Therapy

My commitment to you and your partner is to creatively and energetically guide you both out of destructive patterns and into integrated, thriving love and sexuality, devoid of shame and guilt. I will use mindful expertise to assist you while holding you accountable on your journey toward attainable sexual health.  I promise to be there for you both, every step of your journey, to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and create the relationship you both desire—and deserve.

Areas of Expertise in Couples  Therapy

01 Sex Therapy

As a couple, you know what does not protect your relationship.  Armed with this knowledge, the next question then becomes: what will enhance your Couple Bubble? As partners, your emotional intimacy must be rebuilt before sexual intimacy can occur. This requires attunement and empathy building skills that can be learned and used before physical intimacy will occur. Once this happens, a connection beyond your wildest dreams is possible.   Learn more about sex therapy and how I can bring my expertise as an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist to your relationship.

02 Sex  Addiction / Out of Control Sexual Behaviors

If you've found that your out of control sexual behaviors have stunted both yourself and your relationship, I can help. There is a direct and specific way to treat people who suffer from sex and or love addiction using time tested modalities to help you stop these behaviors and begin healing both yourself and your partner. I am a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) and have expertise that can truly help in your recovery. Learn more about compulsive sexual behaviors then contact me to get started.

03 Partner Behavioral Trauma

There is no pain worse than finding out the very person who you love and trust has been behaving behind your back in secrecy. The day of discovery of these behaviors is so shocking that some have said they have an unreal, dissociated quality to their reality that lasts a long time. You may find the impact has been so devastating that your world is shattered. I am here to help you put your life back together. There is hope and you can make thoughtful choices. Learn more about partner betrayal trauma, then contact me; I am here to help you.

"Ms. Kohll regularly exhibits a wealth of knowledge about the field of sex therapy. She is always thoughtful about her patients, the interventions she makes, and is professionally responsible."
Pamela with Alexandra Katehakis
Director of Center of Healthy Sex in Los Angeles

"To become a Certified ...

 Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), a practitioner must have a Masters-level degree, be fully licensed (depending on country/state) and have at least 5 years of experience in the counseling field."
Pamela with Dr. Patrick Carnes, author of Facing the Shadow, et al.
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